August 11, 2023
Welcome to ‘Views from the Porch’
What if Horseshoe Harbor Yacht Club had its own, occasional newsletter?
This was a question that Josh Klein, our new commodore, recently put to a few of us who’ve done some writing, editing, design, and photography – whether as part of our day jobs, as volunteers for worthy nonprofits, or just for fun. Our answer: Why not?
And so, as the 2023 season reaches its midpoint, we invite you to take a moment to savor a few highlights; celebrate some milestones; pause to recall the unexpected loss of a very dear, longtime friend; and look ahead.
As you scroll through the news items that follow, you may see words or images that reference our signature offerings and activities – the sorts of experiences that make Horseshoe…Horseshoe -- including the Memorial Day and July 4th potluck suppers, Ladies Sail,
Junior Sail, the Thursday night BBQs, and the Friday night Ideal 18 races. But for a club that was founded in 1888, when the Washington Monument opened and Grover Cleveland was President of the United States, we’re still capable of innovation. To that end, the 2023 season has seen the return (and expansion) of Wednesday Night Paddle; the addition of the HHYC Book Club (the first title was “At the Mercy of the Sea,” John Kretschmer, and the second was “The Riddle of the Sands,” by Erskine Childers), and the debut of Mahjong. In the second half of the season, keep an eye out for invitations to Movie Night, Trivia Night, and some boating classes.
And yet, for all the joy we feel when sailing, kayaking, or paddle-boarding, Horseshoe – or, as some of us like to say, The Shoe – is ultimately more about people than boats. Or, if you prefer: Horseshoe is defined less by its (water-borne) craft than by the characters who pilot them.
And so, in our inaugural issue, you’ll learn a few things you might not have known about our Harbormaster, Rob, as well as the debut of one of our own, Dave Marchiony, onstage at Carnegie Hall, of all places. You can also read a remembrance of Carolyn Okay, a beloved presence at Ladies Sail and in our garden, who died unexpectedly on May 23.
We’ll try to get out another issue of the newsletter before we pull up the gangways in late October. If you’ve got a photo or story you’d like to share, please don’t hesitate to email us – at jacques.steinberg@gmail.com and popp.arts@gmail.com.
Jacques (Jack) Steinberg
Wendy Popp Simmons
A THUMBNAIL PEEK of what is included in this issue
Please scroll to view your area of interest or enjoy the whole journey! You can anticipate more features and current events as we hone our format for future issues. Currently, you will find :
A profile of one of our many HHYC characters and beloved members.
A featured Photo Essay
Activities on the water
Weather Events
Racing - both Paddling and Sailboat
HHYC Competitors engaged in regional and local competition and awards
HHYC Club Regattas and awards
Weekly gatherings
Women's Sail
Junior Sailing and awards
Contributions of images that feature the environment, the health of The Sound, birding, and sea life.
Activities on the porch
The hosting of Thursday Night BBQS
Activities on the porch
Book Club
Unique educational lectures and instruction
CUT of the JIB
Highlights of members with expertise and accolades beyond their water skills.
A memorial reflection for an HHYC member
An end note from our Commodore or Editors
Please continue to scroll to view all of our current news for this issue below
Views from the Porch

HHYC Harbormaster Rob Sangineto By JACQUES STEINBERG
In each issue of Views from the Porch, we take a moment to get to know someone who makes Horseshoe, well, Horseshoe. Someone who personifies who we are as a club, and who we aspire to be. The editors couldn’t imagine a better subject for this inaugural feature than Rob Sangineto, who first began working at Horseshoe, as second-in-command to Blaine Peluso, in 2009, and who succeeded Blaine as Harbormaster in 2022.
Rob, who is 48, grew up in New Rochelle and now lives in Mamaroneck. Rob took a rare break on a recent morning for a brief interview at a table outside his office. What follows are excerpts from that conversation.VFTP:
Jack: What is an early memory you have of Long Island Sound, of either seeing or experiencing it?
ROB: Seeing it would be probably when I was 5 or 6, down at Harbor Island in Mamaroneck. The first time I was on the Sound, that I can remember, was in 1984 or 1985. I was 9 or 10 years old. We rented a little boat with motors on them. My Dad was driving the boat. I was just kind of intrigued by the Sound. I’m not really sure why. I was always drawn to the water. Whenever I got a chance I would just stare at it. The boats. The water. I always wondered where it would lead into.
Jack: That day you rented the boat, do you remember where you went?
Rob: We left from Mamaroneck and came south. I want to say we came down right around here. I can remember seeing New Rochelle. We probably didn’t go further than Huckleberry Island.
Jack: What is something you like to do when you are not at Horseshoe?
Rob: I don’t really do it much but I like to play basketball. Also fishing. Mostly freshwater lakes. I like to catch pretty much anything, but especially Largemouth bass, Smallmouth bass. Out on the Sound: Striper, Bluefish. I’m not a great fisherman but I like to do it.
Jack: What is your favorite movie?
Rob: That’s a good one. I would have to say“Rocky.”
Jack: What is your favorite part of working at Horseshoe?
Rob: There are so many. Just trying to make a difference. Trying to make it a pleasant experience for everyone to be here. For everyone to be happy while they’re here. It’s kind of cool too to see little kids, to see them grow up. Getting to know people. Trying to keep the place nice for everybody.
Jack: Among the many things Horseshoe is known for, of course, are its memorable potluck dinners, barbecues, and desserts, and the many chefs and bakers who prepare them. Do you have a favorite?
Rob: That’s a tough one. There’s a lot of good food here. But if I had to pick one, it would be Jerry Keyes’ Banana Cream Pie.

8:00 Saturday evening, July 29, a storm passes, offering a stunning horizon and mooring field, but also delivering challenging work for a devoted Harbormaster.

Waiting to deliver Junior Sailing instructors to their boats on a pristine Monday in July, following a massive storm on Saturday. Gusts that clocked 40 mph brought; lateral rains, organic debris, detritus of all kinds- and then, a magnificent seascape, (pictured at the beginning of this photo essay).

Climate events require immediate inspections of mooring lines, roof tiles, and launch engines - a great deal of monitoring for Rob and crew.

7:45 a.m. Rob is viewed from the shore of Manor Park already at work, prepping the hulls of HHYC launches for a new finish.

8 a.m. on this brilliant Monday morning, July 31, 2023. Rob is already, cleaning, securing, and preparing for the Junior Sailors to arrive.

9:15 a.m. Rob is inspecting the mooring field and escorting this photographer while Junior sailors and instructors are underway.

Harbormaster Sangineto receives a salute from Junior Sailor Sebastian Englebert. Sebastian is likely to be one of those young sailors who Rob will enjoy watching, as he "grows up" to take the helm of Dulcinea, the family Rozinante.
Headlining since the beginning of our summer season is the weather. We offer a photographic scope of the seascape from the cove.
An amber veil from Canadian fire shrouds our region making views of the mooring field and navigation infeasible. June 7, 2023

Orange particulates obscure our views from the porch.
RACEWEEK 2023 is Hosted by LYC with a number of competitors from HHYC S Class competing.

A number of the S Class sailors from HHYC competed during the very brief windows when the winds filled in. A view of the boats on the line during Raceweek 2023; S20 Allegro, Skipper Bill Simmons takes first for the S Class overall, S6, Ingwe; Skipper John Willert positioned very competitively on this starting line.
- Photography by ©Doug Reynolds

HHYC member Jennifer Miller competing in LYC RACEWEEK 2023. Goldilox takes second in the IOD Class.
- Photography by ©Doug Reynolds

Jennifer Miller and crew accept her award from LYC Commador Steve Liecht

HHYC Members compete in LYC Raceweek 2023; One Design; S Class aboard S20, Skipper Bill Simmons, with crew, Eric Hanson, Dave Morris, and John Cutsumpas.
- Photo from the spreaders of Allegro by John Cutsumpas

HHYC S20 Skipper Bill Simmons flanked by the crew, Wendy Popp - Simmons, Eric Hanson, and John Cutsumpas. ( Not pictured is HHYC member Dave Morris)
- Photo by Ben Bajorek
The Inaugural Spring Regatta photos here represent a brief race as we advance to the starting line in brilliant skies into thunderstorms and lightning approaching from the south by noon. The photos were taken for a tutorial in trimming given later in the day, compliments of Bill Simmons. Forgive us if all are not represented here.
- Photography Wendy Popp - Simmons

HHYC Inaugural Spring Solstice Regatta 2023; Skippers and crew (RC is missing)
Culinary Culture
We would like to provide space for a few recipes. We have so many exceptional cooks amongst us. (Women Who Sail once collected
recipes for a book of recipes, perhaps we can begin almost right away...
Memorial Day Potluck BBQ!
Held on Monday, May 29, 2023
HHYC members gather for the annual potluck BBQ on the deck.
July 4th Celebration and BBQ!

We would love to include more images of the BBQ and local fireworks from that evening should any of you care to share!
Women's Sail Host Thursday Night BarbieQ
A delicious menu of American specialties with a blushing flourish; abundant Pink Salmon, peach cobbler, apple pie, watermelon, blowsy burgers, Hawaiian chicken, and an array of beautiful rosy accentuated salads served amidst hosts in pink profusion. (A number uncharacteristically donned in color, some notably in coral). Thank you, Susan Mahler, for coordinating and all of the rose-hued sue chefs and clean-up crew; Jenn Miller, Jill O. Marie V., Marcia, Susan O., Carine, Sharon, Wendy P., Diane, Mary Rubin, Pam, Marie S., Barbara B., Carol, Nanette, Yolanda, Ruth, Maddali, Carol G, Heike R, and Joanne(?) and those who may be missing from this impromptu photo.

- Photo Bill Simmons
Junior Sailing Program Hosts Thursday Night BBQ
A wonderful feast of authentic Mexican fare was created to celebrate the conclusion of a fabulously successful season for our young sailors! ( Please scroll to the Junior Sailing Program section to view photos of our Feva Champions.)

Deborah Kobe Norris highlights the season and expresses her appreciation for the special Chef who created his wonderful cuisine; serving us individually- hot off the grill! Accolades were conveyed to the HHYC Sailing Program Instructors for stellar instruction and performance as well as their assistance with their celebration.

- Photography Wendy Popp- Simmons
Thursday Night BBQs begin at 6:30 PM every Thursday evening.
HHYC women sailors gather to take in the exquisite cumulous clouds at dusk on August 1, 2023, while skippering the Capris.

Junior Sailing Program 2023
Success and Suess on the Sound.
Congratulations! to the HHYC program instructors and teams. Our visit with Junior Sailing during their day in costume, where the Lorax sailed their Optis under the watchful eye of Super Mario and Luigi.

Congratulations on a spectacular season! (Above) HHYC Feva Champions for 2023

HHYC kayakers glide by our mooring field en route to points north along the Larchmont shoreline and into the shimmer of the setting sun.

The Paddlers Club meets every Wednesday evening at 6:00.
All Hands on Deck
Saltwater Bound
Posts from the HHYC Book Club
We would be happy to include a synopsis or review!

The Book Club
- Photo Josh Klein
Posts from the HHYC Marjong Club
We would appreciate a synopsis of the game and group experience for those who gather frequently!

- Photo Josh Klein
Cut of the Jib
We would like to dedicate this section to special talents or distinguishing accolades given to our members for merit beyond their nautical expertise.
How Do You Get from Horseshoe Harbor to Carnegie Hall? Kayaking, Sailing, and Practice, Practice, Practice

On June 13, our own David Marchiony, who plays trumpet for the Westchester Symphonic Winds when he isn’t sailing, kayaking, or dining on the Horseshoe porch, made his debut at Carnegie Hall, of all places. David likes to call the Winds “a high school band for grown-ups.” And on June 13, they performed a 40-minute set that included a fun medley from “La Cage Aux Folles” and a piece that the Winds commissioned based on cowboy songs.
As David observed: “There I was, on the same stage that has been graced by performers of immense talent since before any of my family came to America.”
David first picked up a trumpet nearly 60 years ago, but it lay dormant in his closet for decades until his sons started to play – and David began to play again.
--Jacques Steinberg
HHYC member Dave Marchiony performs at Carnegie Hall, New York N.Y. 2023
Creatures Aquatic
A space dedicated to HHYC members who are estuary enthusiasts, environmentalists, and birders.

(Photo above from NBC News)
According to NBC NEWS, Humpback Whales have been gradually returning to Long Island Sound since 2015.
A recent whale breaching was sighted under the Verranzano Narrows bridge in late July 2023 and is encouraging news for these waters. Despite the recent storms that have challenged the water quality, generally, the waters appear to be rebounding with sea life. We would be pleased to showcase any photographs of your encounters in our newsletters. It is a thrill to witness and share these positive signs of life in our ecosystem. We are interested in all creatures, great and small.
While on a day sail, a Humpback Whale makes a tail slap off the starboard side of Allegro, less than a mile from our Larchmont coast on Long Island Sound! A rare and special encounter for the HHYC crew and a hopeful sign of health.
Video - Bill Simmons

Canadian fires still burning through July of 2023 seem to ground our shorebirds as the smoke covered our region

Barn swallows ignore the pelting rains during the last Sunday of Raceweek. The crew of Ingwe anticipates a cancellation.

The crew of Ingwe waits it out in the deluge during the postponement of their races.

Soaked to the skin, crew member Wynn Simmons waits it for the skies to clear to race Ingwe with Skipper John Willert.

In the dawn at HHYC Barn Swallows bask and sing in lines on the gangway rails outside of the kayak deck. Feathered musical notations.

A local Egret surveys the ample minnow off of the little beach at HHYC. This early morning already warmed to a rare 87 degrees.

Coastal Navigation & Piloting
with HHYC Member Jim Allen
Thank you, Jim, for sharing your skills and expertise, which is greatly appreciated!
Held on Sunday, August 6
- Photography Josh Klein

AED & CPR Training
Held on Sunday, July 30th
In the interest of the safety and well-being of our members, HHYC has decided to purchase an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Because the AED is scheduled to arrive in a few weeks we have hired an instructor to show us how to use it as well as teach us other life-saving skills.
- Photography Josh Klein
Presentations & Handout Materials are Now Available Online
They can be found on the HHYC website under the Sailing tab in Resources
Maintenance & Troubleshooting
With HHYC Member and Instructor Elias Dagher
Thank you, Elias, for sharing your skills and expertise which is greatly appreciated!
Held on Saturday, July 15th
HHYC members were informed about the various components of a diesel engine. How to perform basic maintenance tasks including replacing belts, impellers, filters, and bleeding the fuel system.
Presentations & Handout Materials are Now Available Online
They can be found on the HHYC website under the Sailing tab in Resources

- Photography Josh Klein

Eight Bells
In remembrance of Carolyn Brown - Okay
The hum of conversation, resonant and bright permeates the salt air. It is the sound of consciousness, conscientiousness, and confidences shared between friends.
Laughter punctuates a clever remark and delicate smiles accentuate humble self-deprecation. The hum becomes a collective life-giving vibration on our deck.
There is a void between the notes now, that is palpable for many of us still, a little more than two months after Carolyn has passed.
Hers was one of the more joyous tones that offered mindful observations during our gatherings. Her voice was consistently upbeat, nurturing, and harmonious. She was uniquely sensitive and she shared her gift graciously.
If you have listened carefully to those she has touched, you will hear stories of how keen her ability was to relate to the emotions and needs of others, friends and strangers alike, on the deepest levels.
Her sons, Matthew and Daniel are articulate. They share her mannerisms and modest dignity, a testament to her nurturing care.
During her eulogy, they reminded us of her resilience and stalwart ambition to move forward proactively, no matter what the circumstance.
Those of us who knew her well would acknowledge this strength, against the odds, time and again. Her care was maternal and driven. Many remark that this is why her passing is so stunning, so distinctly out of sync, and tragically, much too soon.
She moved amongst us, a true empath and gentle spirit, with grace, offering her bright mind and hands in outreach within many circles. She wore color that was flush with warmth and oversaw our garden with the same vibrant palette for many years during her membership. She chose the hanging baskets of fern and red geranium to warm our porch. She initiated this mobile site for our community in an earlier form and posted joyous images.
We will remember, in gratitude, her brilliant smile in the perennial blooming, her encouragement mirrored in the gentle ripple of a kayak's wake, and as we unfurl our morning sails, listen for her in the murmur of the dawn.
Carolyn is loved by many and her absence will loom large in our small cove.
- Wendy Popp - Simmons

Carolyn took great pride in her own garden. The photo above was taken in September of 2021, outside the front door of her home at the corner of Mountain and Kingsbury Rd. Her magnificent Butterfly Bushes had grown wild and tall along the walkway, where dozens of Monarchs gathered one late afternoon.
Carolyn's portrait was taken in The Berkshire Botanical Gardens on July 15, 2022

A Lunar Halo around the moon was captured off the beach of HHYC. Folklore has it that light refracted through ice crystals in the atmosphere creates prismatic effects that can be precursors of impending unsettled weather systems. It is often true that cirrus and cirrostratus clouds generally precede rain and storm systems.
- Photography Wendy Popp - Simmons
All rights to images and content in this Newsletter, Views from the Porch, are reserved and protected by the individuals who created them. Please contact the editors for terms of usage.